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Writer's pictureJolene Nanette

7 Tips for Better Sleep Every Night!

By, Jolene Nanette

Getting enough sleep seems to be a chronic problem in our society. I hear every day from people I speak with that they are constantly tired, not sleeping well, not getting enough sleep, and lacking energy. Changing your routine to be mindful of your sleep patterns can make a dramatic difference in the amount of energy you have throughout the day and the way your body feels when it’s well-rested.

  1. Establish a consistent sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock and promotes better sleep. This is sometimes easier said than done, but the goal is to make this happen most days.

  2. Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Remember when your kids were little and you had to follow the pattern of bathtime, storytime, bottle, rocking…in that order, never deviating from the prescribed schedule or they would never fall asleep? Our adult bodies are not that different. Develop a pre-sleep routine that helps you unwind and signal to your body that it's time to sleep. This could include activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation exercises.

  3. Lower the lights when the sun goes down: Having all the lights turned on signals to your body that it is still time to be awake. Consider using lamps and leaving off the overhead lighting in the evening and nighttime. Your body will naturally start to wind down when not bombarded by lighting that is too bright.

  4. Limit exposure to blue light before bed: This is a relatively new concept, but a true problem with our current societal habits. Blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones and computers can interfere with your sleep. Avoid using these devices for at least an hour before bedtime, or use blue light filters or apps that reduce blue light emission. Try to keep your smartphone out of the bedroom at night.

  5. Make your bedroom sleep-friendly: Create a comfortable sleep environment by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Use curtains or blinds to block out light, maintain a habit of keeping things at low volume in the evenings, and invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows. If you aren’t satisfied with how soft your sheets are or how heavy your comforter is, invest in new ones.

  6. Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Exercise increases the production of endorphins, which promote relaxation and can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep. Establishing a routine of being active during the day and engaging in slower, more calming activities at night tells your body that it’s time to wind down for bed.

  7. Manage stress and anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can disrupt your sleep. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing relaxation techniques, engaging in regular exercise, or talking to a friend or therapist. Pay attention to the thoughts that can keep you up during the night and take steps to address those concerns. Working through anxious thoughts in the daylight hours will not only be less scary, but they will also stop invading your thoughts when you are trying to sleep.

Your daily routine has a significant impact on your sleep quality and duration. The activities you engage in throughout the day, as well as your sleep habits, can either promote or disrupt a restful night's sleep. Consistency in your routine, including regular sleep and wake times, can help regulate your body's internal clock and promote better sleep. Additionally, engaging in relaxation techniques, lowering the lights when the sun goes down, and creating a comfortable sleep environment can all contribute to a more restorative sleep. It is important to prioritize and adjust your routine to ensure optimal sleep health.

By, Jolene Nannette

Home by Jolene Specialist in Home Efficiency

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