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Agent Spotlight

Did you know that not all agents are alike?  The education and value they provide can vary quite a bit.  If you are looking for a guide who can help you navigate not only the transaction of buying or selling a home, but the process of choosing one that will be healthy for your family, then you need to get to know the wellness agents in our network. 

WellnessRE™ PRO is a community of forward-thinking agents...and they are doing some unique and incredible things for their clients. 


So we are thrilled to be able to share their stories with you in our Agent Spotlight Series.


Tori McGee Holistic Realtor

Serving Residents in
Chapman Hall Realtor
Make Healthier Moves
Certified Building Biology Advocate, WellnessRE PRO

(770) 608-6777

I had the privilege of helping retired NBA player, Steven Jackson, find a healthy home. He was looking for a home that was not just "healthy", it needed to be brick with beautiful views. So I found him a gorgeous property, and when we walked into the home, he was delightfully surprised that the basement had a fantastic basketball court. I knew it would be just perfect for him and his family!

An Interview with

Tori McGee Holistic Realtor

Q1 - Hey!  Thanks for taking the time to be here.  Can you start by sharing a little bit about yourself and your business? 

I am a mom of three adult daughters and an 11-year-old son. I started living a healthy holistic lifestyle when my daughters were young. I’ve been in real estate for almost eight years now, and I am a certified Building Biology advocate. I love helping my clients find healthy homes. Since 5G rolled out, this has been a huge concern for many of my buyers, so I always make sure I bring my 5G/ EMF meter.

Q2 - I love learning about how people began as a real estate agent because our stories are always so different.  What was the inspiration or reason you decided to get into real estate? 

The reason I got into real estate began with my own home search in 2013. We were looking to sell and purchase a home, and I had so many questions and concerns about mold, air, and water quality that I knew I needed help navigating. To my surprise, I could not find any agents that could provide answers! I really needed someone that understood what it meant to have a non-toxic, chemical-free home, that had vendors using safe, nontoxic mold and pest treatments, and also someone who understood my concerns about living near powerlines. There wasn't anyone to be found! So that's how it all began for me. I felt a really strong pull to help others like me and to be a different kind of real estate agent, a Holistic Realtor.

In my first year in business, I had so many people reaching out to me, so thankful that I was here to help them navigate the home-buying process.

Q3 - What services do you offer? And why did you choose to offer those particular services? 

I bring a lot of value to my clients. I have tons of non-toxic vendors and clients concerned about EMF and 5G, so I am a connector and get people in touch with the help they need. I have an EMF meter so we can read right away if a home is going to work for a family with sensitivities. I offer my Building biology advocate training through the home-buying process, and sellers take advantage of my training, so I can help them prepare for their listing, and lets them know what buyers are looking for in a healthy home.

Q4 - Can you recall a challenging client or situation that you were able to fix or overcome?  How did you fix it?

In real estate, we always seem to have challenges daily, but it's my job to keep the real estate transactions moving toward a smooth closing. I don't really think I have one that was super challenging, I've been fortunate to have amazing people that I work with.

Q5 - What have you learned about yourself and your business over the years?  How has your business changed to adapt to changing buyer and seller needs?

I am learning new things daily! I feel like since the pandemic, everyone has re-evaluated what health and wellness means to them. This has been a rough two years for many families, many have had to relocate and were working from home and homeschooling. During this time, a lot of my clients realized they had mold sensitivities and other allergens because they were spending more time at home. As folks are beginning to be more educated about toxins in the home environment, they are eager to learn how to remove what they can to lighten their toxic load.

Also, some families who rent, may not have a landlord who ensures that homes have good air quality, so unfortunately, if someone lives in a home that has never been inspected for mold and radon, may not realize it's a problem until they start seeing unexplained chronic physical symptoms like worsening allergies or headaches etc. So it feels really good to know that I'm playing a role in educating my clients in ways to live healthier.

Q6 - Real estate is not easy.  If you could go back in time what advice would you give yourself?

Since everyone loses business cards, I'm glad I named my website what people are searching for, rather than just my name. Because if you put Atlanta Holistic Realtor into google, you will find me! Also, I'd tell myself to make sure to keep up with receipts and bookkeeping because real estate can be complicated when it comes to tax time.

Q7- We've all had amazing clients or stories to share that make being an agent all worth it.  Can you share a story about a teammate, vendor or client that really impacted you and touched your heart? 

The great thing about being a holistic realtor is that I always have clients that have a variety of different family concerns or health conditions and I get to be the guide that helps them navigate the best choices for them and bring more awareness to what environmental toxins could be exacerbating their conditions.

One family came to me that had chemical sensitivity. Their child had autism and was super sensitive to carpet, allergens, moisture, and VOCs. After reaching out to some healthy home resources, we were able to navigate the concerns and eliminate the issues. I was so happy to help this family; they had struggled for many years and bounced from Rental to Rental before they finally had a Healthy Home of their own. I'm just glad I could help them not only find a home, but a home that supports their well-being. It feels so good to know that the family is thriving now and I played a part in making that happen for them.

Q8 - If a potential client were reading this article, what would you tell them about you, your team or your business that would convince them to choose you?

My number one goal is to build relationships with trust and integrity. As a certified Building Biology Advocate, I have built a huge network of healthy home resources. Clients always know they can contact me for healthy home expert vendors or other referrals they might need. I’m so thankful for the lifelong relationships I have been blessed to create through being a holistic real estate agent.

Q9 - Fun fact about yourself that people may not know.

I'm in a crunchy mom's Facebook group!

Q10 - Where do you see your business going in the next 5 to 10 years?

I see more families aligning with Wellness Real Estate and wanting to learn more about creating a healthier home environment. For me personally, I want to help educate people to use non-toxic products VOC free, chemical-free products, which I already do! I would love to help more builders through the building process and educate them on some of the building biology I've learned over the years. I also see myself leading a selective group of like-minded realtors to help more families through the process.

We enjoyed learning so much about you and your business.  How can people learn more or get in touch with you?

The first thing I tell everyone I meet when they want to learn more is for them to check out my website. I have lots of free resources there and they can learn all about me and how I help folks differently.

My email is, or they can call me on my cell# (770) 608-6777

Thank you so much for being a part of the WellnessRE™ PRO Agent Spotlight! 

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my wellness Real Estate business. I look forward to hearing from families looking to make healthier moves.

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