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Agent Spotlight

Did you know that not all agents are alike?  The education and value they provide can vary quite a bit.  If you are looking for a guide who can help you navigate not only the transaction of buying or selling a home, but the process of choosing one that will be healthy for your family, then you need to get to know the wellness agents in our network. 

WellnessRE™ PRO is a community of forward-thinking agents...and they are doing some unique and incredible things for their clients. 


So we are thrilled to be able to share their stories with you in our Agent Spotlight Series.


Heather Schmidt

Serving Residents in
Holistic Real Estate Group, KWI
Holistic Realtor

(630) 608-7400

A guided heart-centered journey, ensuring you love your home Heart & Soul'd

An Interview with

Heather Schmidt

Q1 - Hey!  Thanks for taking the time to be here.  Can you start by sharing a little bit about yourself and your business? 

Hi! I have been licensed for 16+ years. I am at a wonderful point where I have integrated myself and my business. My holistic approach fully aligns me, my mission, and with my real estate practice.

Q2 - I love learning about how people began as a real estate agent because our stories are always so different.  What was the inspiration or reason you decided to get into real estate? 

HA! That was an unexpected journey. In 2006 I got my license to start flipping houses with my partner so I would have the most up-to-date knowledge of the market and wouldn't have to pay a commission when we sold. We never flipped one house, we lost our company when the construction bubble burst, and I didn't want to go back to Engineering. I planned on "doing real estate" until I figured out what I wanted to do next. And I'm still here today because I love helping my clients.

Q3 - What services do you offer? And why did you choose to offer those particular services? 

My focus is residential real estate. One of my specialties is helping distressed homeowners. That was a natural area to focus on since I tried to short-sale my house before I was licensed and ultimately lost my house to foreclosure. I understand the varying emotions: shame, despair, and uncertainty. I am committed to educating and advocating for homeowners so they know their options and don't feel alone.

Regarding my holistic approach - that is around the energy in us and our homes. There is an energetic connection between sellers and the house that I help release, allowing a buyer to come in.

I also offer energy clearings and house blessings to clear the energy, welcome buyers and clears the slate for the new owners.

Q4 - Can you recall a challenging client or situation that you were able to fix or overcome?  How did you fix it?


Knowing my client's needs and motivation is critical. When an issue arises, I listen and hold space for whatever they feel. Once they have had time to express themselves and feel heard, I guide them back to their main goal.

For buyers, the most common thing is they get caught up in a pretty house (perfectly decorated, updates in the current trends, etc.), but it doesn't have the space or functionality they are looking for. I like to ask questions and help them see the big picture: "Yes, this house is absolutely beautiful, but it does not have a full basement. You said that was a need - is that still true?"

Q5 - What have you learned about yourself and your business over the years?  How has your business changed to adapt to changing buyer and seller needs?

Oh, I used to try to get my clients to make what I saw was their best decision. I now know that is not my place AND, let's face it, I don't know what's best for them. Only they know that. I'm just here to guide them so they can make better-informed decisions. I now educate, and share any concerns I may have, but ultimately I am their agent acting on their direction.

Q6 - Real estate is not easy.  If you could go back in time what advice would you give yourself?

My best advice would be just to be YOU! For many years I spent so much time trying to be what I thought others expected of me. It was not productive or fulfilling. Be you, let your weird light shine, and trust that your people will find you.

Q7- We've all had amazing clients or stories to share that make being an agent all worth it.  Can you share a story about a teammate, vendor or client that really impacted you and touched your heart? 

It sounds so cliche - happy clients happy agent. truly, my heart is touched when my client's hearts are happy. My tagline "Love Your Home Heart & Soul'd" is my mission. I want my clients to have a space that best serves them and makes their soul smile.

Q8 - If a potential client were reading this article, what would you tell them about you, your team or your business that would convince them to choose you?

I am the perfect blend of experience and heart. I have experienced multiple shifts - I understand changing markets and how to achieve your goals. Also, I come from a place of logic (I was an engineer at Motorola, after all) while bringing in fun and a little quirkiness.

Q9 - Fun fact about yourself that people may not know.

My first degree was in Aviation Maintenance. I have a deep love for airplanes and jet engines!

Q10 - Where do you see your business going in the next 5 to 10 years?

I will continue to grow my business. Also, I want to share this holistic business approach with other agents
1) So that everyone has a positive real estate experience and loves their home.
2) To empower other agents to find their own truth and build their business to align with who they are.

We enjoyed learning so much about you and your business.  How can people learn more or get in touch with you?

The best place to find info on me is my website: it has my contact information, social links, and everything you need to get in touch.

Thank you so much for being a part of the WellnessRE™ PRO Agent Spotlight! 

Thank you!

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